PTC Top 10 |Cost Savings Program | Strong Base Savings | PTC Reactions | 60-Sec PTC Test | Seminar | Contact Us

Phase-Transfer Catalysis Technology & Information Center

2-Day PTC Course

Newark - February 2005; Chicago - April 2005
download PTC Course brochure pdf file                                                                online agenda & registration 

** PTC Cost Savings Program **

   learn how your company can achieve significant cost savings using PTC

** Top 10 Industrial PTC Opportunities **

if your commercial processes are one of must consider PTC! 

** Strong Base - Strong Savings ** save big by replacing methoxide, sodamide, hydride with NaOH and PTC

PTC seminar at your site

 on-site training to identify cost savings opportunities using PTC

The 60-Second PTC Cost Savings Test

 criteria for identifying cost savings opportunities at your company using PTC

The 30-Second PTC Cost Savings Test

 easy questions to identify cost savings opportunities using PTC

PTC Cost Savings for Six Sigma Companies for Six Sigma organic chemical manufacturers

PTC Reaction Types

 dozens of reaction categories in which PTC excels

Compelling Customer Benefits 

types of process performance improvements you can expect using PTC

Press Releases

FMC’s Agricultural Products Group Signs Cost Savings Agreement

Location and Directions




About PTC Organics  

Contact us

 register for programs, on-site seminar, complimentary PTC journal

PTC Organics, Inc.
is the only company dedicated exclusively to
increasing customer profit and performance
Phase Transfer Catalysis
in custom developing high performance processes for the manufacture of organic chemicals.


Call PTC Organics
+1 856-222-1146

to learn how your company can improve process performance.


     PTC Cost Savings Program  |  PTC Top 10  |  PTC Reactions  |  PTC Benefits  |  60-Sec PTC Test  |  30 Sec PTC Test  |  On-site Seminar  | Home | Contact


PTC Organics, Inc.
900 Briggs Road, Suite 145
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054 USA
Tel. +1 (856) 222-1146 

Last Modified 16-Nov-2004           
© 2004 PTC Organics, Inc.