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Are you being pushed to reduce costs ?!?



The PTC Cost Savings Program is ideally suited for 

organic chemical manufacturing divisions and Six Sigma companies with a strong interest in 

  • reducing manufacturing costs

  • pollution prevention

How does the PTC Cost Savings Program Work?                        Benefits of PTC Cost Savings Program


Benefits of the PTC Cost Savings Program

go to PTC Cost Savings Inquiry Form

How does the PTC Cost Savings Program Work?                        Benefits of PTC Cost Savings Program


The PTC Cost Savings Program

concept to commercialization




PTC Organics’ Scientific Advisory Board determines the technical probability of success 

of potential customer process improvements using Phase Transfer Catalysis (under secrecy agreement).

If "high," proceed to Development Agreement.

Pre-screening is free of charge.




Development Agreement


Reach development agreement based on "Criteria For Success" 

upon which success is measured during development and commercialization.
Agreement is designed for alignment of interest.



Laboratory Development


PTC Organics commits its best efforts to develop a process in the laboratory

 with the goal of meeting the Criteria For Success.

A nominal commitment fee is paid by the customer at the outset of laboratory development.

PTC Organics invests laboratory resources and expertise of leading PTC scientists.



Process Verification


After submission of a written report by PTC Organics that the Criteria For Success have been met,

the customer verifies the performance of the written procedure in its laboratory. 

A Successful Laboratory Development Fee is paid after verification.

The customer incurs no additional financial obligation if the Criteria For Success are not met.



Scale Up & Commercialization


At its discretion, the customer performs scale up and commercialization of the advantageous process. 

Technical support is provided by PTC Organics.

The Commercialization Fee is typically 25% of the cost savings achieved.


go to PTC Cost Savings Inquiry Form


How can I know if my company has a PTC Cost Savings Opportunity?


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900 Briggs Road, Suite 145
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054 USA
Tel. +1 (856) 222-1146 -
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Last Modified 25-Jul-2001           
© 2001 PTC Organics, Inc.